Aug 19, 2024

Never think about branch names again

This script lets you run gcb branch-name and it will create a branch with the name max/{month}-{day}-branch-name. I recommend swapping out max to basically anything else.


# Get the current month and day
month=$(date +%m)
day=$(date +%d)

# Prefix the branch name with max/{month}-{day}

# Checkout the branch
git checkout -b "$branch_name"

# Get the current month and day
month=$(date +%m)
day=$(date +%d)

# Prefix the branch name with max/{month}-{day}

# Checkout the branch
git checkout -b "$branch_name"

To use on macOS/linux, you can paste the above into a file in /usr/local/bin and make it executable with chmod +x /usr/local/bin/gcb.

I also recommend setting your git settings to sort branches by committerdate so that you can easily find the branch you worked on most recently:

git config --global branch.sort committerdate
git config --global branch.sort committerdate

This does work with the default alphabetical sorting, but this works better if you work on features over long periods of time.

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